The World’s Best Dress Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The World’s Best Dress Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Alan and The Alien, The Tree and If I Knew so, you can check these posts as well.

The World’s Best Dress Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The Wazir said that the weavers had brought a _________ for the Emperor.

(a) piece of cloth
(b) new pair of shoes
(c) gift
(d) message

2. The emperor loved to wear new and expensive ___________.

(a) crowns
(b) dresses
(c) rings
(d) shoes

3. The Emperor gave a pouch of __________ to the weavers and told them to start their work.

(a) gold coins
(b) silver coins
(c) diamonds
(d) rubies

4. The __________ was asked to check on the weavers after every few days.

(a) prince
(b) Wazir
(c) other minister
(d) man

5. Everyone in the crowd was praising the Emperor’s dress except for the ____________.

(a) woman
(b) old man
(c) Wazir
(d) boy

Question 2: What did the Emperor love the most in the world?

Answer: The Emperor loved to wear beautiful, new, expensive clothes.

Question 3: What kind of a dress did the weavers promise to make for the Emperor?

Answer: The weavers said that they would make the best dress for the Emperor. It would not be made of a common cloth and its thread would be specially dyed and if anyone who wasn’t good at his job would try to look at it, they would not be able to see it at all.

Question 4: Why did Wazir not say that he could not see anything on the loom?

Answer: The Wazir did not say anything about the fact that he couldn’t see the dress as he did not want to appear stupid and unfit for his job.

Question 5: Why did the Emperor hide the fact that he could not see anything on the loom?

Answer: The Emperor hide the fact that he could not see the dress because he did not want to appear stupid and unfit for his job. He did not want anyone to know about this. He feared that his enemies would take his throne away from him.

Question 6: Why did everyone in the street pretend to admire the Emperor, knowing well that he was not wearing anything?

Answer: The people looking at the Emperor did not want to say that the Emperor was not wearing any clothes as they did not want to offend him.

Question 7: Who do you think was the most honest person in the kingdom? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The little boy was the most honest person in the kingdom. When the Emperor walked down without any clothes on, everybody pretended to admire him and applauded his new dress out of fear. However, the boy was the only one who said to his father that the Emperor was not wearing anything.

Question 8: What kind of a person was the Emperor? Do you think he was fit to rule the kingdom? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The Emperor was a vain and foolish man. His love for expensive new dresses made him believe the weavers who were trying to fool him and take advantage of his weakness for good clothes. Even when he saw that the dress they had made for him was invisible, he did not trust his own judgement and thought that he was being stupid and unfit for his job as he could not see the dress. This shows that he was foolish and he did not have confidence in his own judgement and was unfit to be a king.

Question 9: When you ask your friends for advice, do you want to know what they really think? Or would you want them to say things that will please you?

Answer: When I ask my friends for advice I would like them to give me the correct opinion about whatever I ask them. I would not like them to lie to me just to please me. Sometimes, I might feel bad if I don’t like their advice and answer but at least I will know that I am not being fooled.

So, these were The World’s Best Dress Questions & Answers.

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