Three Wise Old Women Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Three Wise Old Women Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Six Foolish Fishermen, The Two Horses and Half Of The Profit so, you can check these posts as well.

Three Wise Old Women Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. When the three women went out, it was

(a) very hot
(b) very cold
(c) rainy

2. Who was the wisest woman of the three?

(a) first
(b) second
(c) third

3. The women were afraid of

(a) rain
(b) the bear
(c) wind

Question 2: Fill in the blanks:

1. Three wise old women went to walk on a winter day.
2. One carried a ladder and the other a basket.
3. One of the wise women cried in fright.
4. They climbed their ladder to save themselves from a bear.
5. The wind blew their ladder to the sea.

Question 3: What did each women carry?

Answer: The first woman carried a basket to hold some berries, the second woman carried a ladder to climb for cherries and the third one carried a fan to keep off the sun.

Question 4: What did one woman tell in fright?

Answer: One woman told in fright that they might meet a bear that night.

Question 5: What did one woman suggest in case they met a bear?

Answer: One woman suggested that they would climb a tree.

Question 6: Give two reasons why they climb up their ladder.

Answer: The two reasons why they climb up their ladder were:

  • There wasn’t any tree for miles around.
  • They were frightened to stay on the ground.

Question 7: What did the wind do?

Answer: The wind blew their ladder right out to sea.

Question 8: What did they put up instead of a sail?

Answer: They put up their fan instead of a sail.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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