Tigers Forever Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Tigers Forever Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Ruskin Bond. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Sun Travels, The Women Who Saved The Apes and Biking so, you can check these posts as well.

Tigers Forever Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The poet hopes/worries that there will always/never be tigers.

Answer: hopes, always

2. The poet wants/does not want the tiger’s roar to be heard/seen.

Answer: wants, heard

3. The poet says that tigers should be cautious/doubtful of herdsmen.

Answer: cautious

4. The poem is about a certain tiger/tigers in general.

Answer: tigers in general

Question 2: What wish does the poet express in the poem?

Answer: The poet expresses his wish that the tigers should live forever and never become extinct. He wants their thundrous roar to be known and heard by all.

Question 3: Which lines in the poem say that tigers should not become extinct?

Answer: The line that tells us that tigers should not become extinct is:

May there always be tigers.

Question 4: What does ‘may his thunder be known in the land’ mean?

Answer: ‘May his thunder be known in the land’ means that everyone should be aware of the tiger’s power.

Question 5: What does ‘raise his head scenting the night wind’ mean – be alert or stand up?

Answer: ‘Raise his head scenting the night wind’ means be alert.

Question 6: Does the poet wish for an infinite number of tigers? Which lines tell you so?

Answer: No, the poet does not wish for an infinite number of tigers. These lines tell us so:
May there always be tigers. But not so many.

Question 7: Read these lines and answer the questions:

1. May he drink and raise his head

(a) Who is ‘he’?

Answer: ‘He’ is the tiger in the jungle/forest.

(b) Where should he drink from?

Answer: He should drink from the forest pool.

2. And slumber in dark caverns

(a) Who sleeps in dark caves?

Answer: The tiger sleeps in dark caves.

(b) When does he sleep?

Answer: He sleeps during the day.

Question 8: Why do you think the poet wishes for the tiger to crouch low when the herdsmen pass?

Answer: The poet wishes that the tiger crouches low when the herdsmen pass so that he is hidden from view and so stays safe from humans.

Question 9: What does the poet not wish for?

Answer: The poet does not wish for so many tigers as one of them may come to his room in search of a meal.

Question 10: How is the night wind important for the tiger?

Answer: The night wind is important for the tiger because it is in the night wind that he senses the smell of a prey.

Question 11: How do jungles and tall grass help the tiger?

Answer: Jungles provide food and habitat to the tigers. The tall grass helps the tiger to hide from hunters and herdsmen. It also enables him to take care while hunting.

So, these were Tigers Forever Questions & Answers.

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