To Truly Understand a Rainbow Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share To Truly Understand a Rainbow Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Green Morning, The Fight and Coromandel Fishers so, you can check these posts as well.

To Truly Understand a Rainbow Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete the flowchart:


The sparkling prisms caught Newton’s eye – he wanted to discover…..

Newton didn’t see how Aristotle or Hooke could be right.

A white page with clack writing did not appear in colour when viewed from a distance. It appeared to be grey.

The prism was the perfect tool for his experiment.

Newton suspected that more accurate results could be had by moving the prism farther away.

He wondered how the prism split white light into different colours.

A refracting object could bend each wavelength of light by a different angle or amount.

Therefore, all the colours already existed in white light and the prism was simply fanning them out according to their ability to be bent.

Question 2: Why did a prism interest a college student who liked science?

Answer: Newton was very interested in the nature of colour and studying the nature of colour was convenient for him while he was waiting out the plague in countryside. The prism was an integral part in studies involving colour as all scientists used the prism to study its effects on colour; hence, the prism interested Newton.

Question 3: How did Newton feel about leaving London and living in the countryside?

Answer: Newton did not like being away from college, but that did not stop him. Newton used his time in the countryside well; while other students might have taken that time to forget about their studies, Newton was thinking of unsolved puzzles in nature to solve while waiting out the plague.

Question 4: What did Newton do before he began an experiment? What does this tell us about the process of scientific discovery?

Answer: Before beginning his experiment, Newton was very quiet and still, immersed in thought. He was extremely observant and looked at the sparkling colours of the prism and then thought deeply about the nature of colour and what it was exactly that he wanted to study. This tells us that the process of scientific research and discovery requires a lot of thought and reflection.

Question 5: What did Aristotle and Robert Hooke believe about white light?

Answer: Aristotle believed that colour was uniform and solid. Hooke believed that colour was a mixture of light and darkness.

Question 6: What did Newton observe during his experiment? What conclusion did he come to?

Answer: During the experiment, Newton observed that the beam of sunlight, after passing through the prism, spread out into coloured bands of light which he called a spectrum. The white light had basically split into different colours. He later concluded that each colour was a wave of light that had the ability to be bent – refracted. The prism was a refracting object that bends each wave by a certain angle. Each colour is bent by a different angle. Therefore, all colours already existed in white light and the prism refracted them according to their ability to be bent.

Question 7: Read the line and answer the questions:

This was a significant discovery!

(a) How is the discovery significant for scientists and scientific principles?

Answer: This was a very crucial experiment that established that colours were governed by scientific principles and broke all previous assumptions regarding a very essential aspect of science.

(b) How is it significant for Newton himself?

Answer: Newton became the first man to discover this feature of light, which destroyed all previous ideas about light. This discovery would also cement his reputation as a serious scientist.

Question 8: Why did Newton conduct an ‘experimentum crucis’? How did he do it?

Answer: The ‘experiment crucis’ — the crucial experiment was to ensure that the prism was only a refracting tool and that it did not colour the light.

Question 9: The writer gives us many clues about Newton’s personality and who he is. But she does not describe his physical appearance. Why do you think she chose to do this?

Answer: In this text, what is most important is Newton’s mind – his intellect. Learning about his physical appearance would not enrich our understanding of the text and is therefore not needed.

Question 10: The writer asks some questions as the text progresses. What effect does this have on the reader? Does it help us follow along? Does it mimic Newton’s thought process? How does this help in understanding the text?

Answer: The questions do mimic the thought process. They help us understand the logical progression of Newton’s thoughts and how he comes to his understanding about light. The questions also highlight the important parts of this process. So, this technique not only helps us understand Newton’s thought process but also helps us think along with him.

So, these were To Truly Understand a Rainbow Questions & Answers.

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