Travel For Fun Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Travel For Fun Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Santhini Govindan. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of My Dog, Toys For A Big Boy and Hachiko so, you can check these posts as well.

Travel For Fun Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Flight – to fly in the air
  • Float – to rest on the surface of a liquid
  • Mysterious – strange or unknown
  • Roam – to go about from place to place without planning
  • Eagerly – ready to do something
  • Soaking – covered with liquid

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The speaker wants to travel by

(a) train
(b) magic carpet
(c) car
(d) aeroplane

2. She wants to go to __________ to see the pyramids.

(a) Egypt
(b) China
(c) Africa
(d) Rome

3. African _______________ have wild animals.

(a) cities
(b) valleys
(c) jungles
(d) rivers

4. _____________ is not a European city.

(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) Africa 
(d) Rome

Question 2: Why does the speaker want to travel the world?

Answer: The speaker wants to travel the world for fun and wants to see different lands.

Question 3: Where does she want to travel to?

Answer: She wants to travel crossing rivers, valleys, and the snowy Himalayas. She also wants to travel to China to see the Great Wall, to Egypt, to Africa and European cities like London, Paris and Rome.

Question 4: What does this line from the poem “I won’t need to get a passport, or buy a ticket when I want to fly,” mean?

Answer: The line from the poem ‘l won’t need to get a passport, or buy a ticket when I want to fly’ means that, as the girl will be flying through the magic carpet so she would not require any passport or ticket for travelling across the countries.

Question 5: What is the speaker afraid of in the last stanza of the poem?

Answer: In the last stanza of the poem, the speaker is afraid of her magic carpet being caught in rain and getting soaked with rainwater. She was afraid because a wet carpet cannot fly long distances.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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