Treasures On The Beach Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Treasures On The Beach Questions & Answers.

This poem is written by Brenda Williams. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Sunflowers In The Sea, The Land of Storybooks and Daddy Long Legs so, you can check these posts as well.

Treasures On The Beach Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Chest – (here) a large box used for storage
  • Swirly – marked by a twisted pattern
  • Cast off – discarded
  • Stranded – (here) left without the means to go back to the sea
  • Rugged – uneven
  • Glistening – shining
  • Sunbleached – lightened by exposure to sunlight

Question 1: Fill in the blanks with the words from the poem:

1. Some shells are smaller than the speaker’s fingernail.
2. A few of the crab shells still have their claws.
3. The jellyfish are blue and green in colour.
4. The rocks are small, rough and rugged.
5. A pebble could be black, grey or white.

Question 2: List all the colours mentioned in the poem.

Answer: Silver, yellow, white, orange, pink, cream, blue, green, black and grey are the colours mentioned in the poem.

Question 3: Which object resembles ‘tiny orange bells’?

Answer: The pearl and silver shells on the beach resemble tiny orange bells.

Question 4: In the line, ‘Cast off by their owners’, who are the owners?

Answer: The crabs are the owners.

Question 5: How does the speaker advise us to deal with jelly fish?

Answer: The speaker advises us to look at the jellyfish from a distance but never touch them.

Question 6: Pick out a word from the poem that suggests that the driftwood has been on the beach for some time.

Answer: The word ‘sunbleached’ suggests that the driftwood has been on the beach for some time.

Question 7: Write a few pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

Answer: Shells-bells, tones-cones, beach-reach, light-white.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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