Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Voice Of Conscience, Who Dares To Cut Trees and The Village School so, you can check these posts as well.

Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. The problem faced by the residents of the houses from C-2 to C12 was that the Gulmohar was hurting their eyes – False
2. While everything began to wither away, some things did not seem to be affected by the summer heat. These were the people who lived in the colony – False
3. The residents of the houses from C-2 to C-12 felt the need to investigate the cause of the problem further because their houses were the only ones facing a water crisis – True
4. At the end of their investigation, the water supply folks found that the roots of the Gulmohar tree had thrust inside the water pipe – True
5. The tree managed to survive because its roots grew sub-roots that pushed through the pores of the cement water pipes – True

Question 2: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. It was obvious that someone was stealing the water in our lane.

(a) How did the writer come to this conclusion?

Answer: Even after deep analysis, when the writer was not able to get the reasons, she finally concluded that someone was stealing the water in their lane.

(b) What was done to investigate the matter?

Answer: To investigate the matter the drains were dug.

(c) What was the result of investigation?

Answer: The result of investigation was that the Gulmohar tree’s roots and its sub roots obstruct the water supply.

2. Dutifully, the roots struck out in the correct direction.

(a) Whose ‘roots’ are being mentioned here?

Answer: Here Gulmohar tree’s roots are being mentioned.

(b) What was ‘dutiful’ about the roots?

Answer: The dutiful about the roots and sub-roots was to venture forth and unearth a water source and bring back essential supplies to its parent.

(c) What was the ‘correct direction’?

Answer: Correct direction means the direction in which the water supply was there towards the C Block. The roots struck out in correct direction.

Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers

3. It was an amazing sight to see, and one that I will never forget.

(a) Which ‘amazing sight’ is the writer talking about?

Answer: The Gulmohar tree thirsted like everyone. It thirsted, so it set out after the water that wouldn’t come its way. The tree sent its roots, to venture forth and unearth a water source and bring back essential supplies. This was the amazing sight the writer is talking about.

(b) Why would she never forget it?

Answer: She would never forget it because she had never seen such an amazing sight in her life that the tree uprooted itself and went for a merry walk in order to slake its thirst.

(c) How did she come across this sight?

Answer: The water supply folks investigated thoroughly the matter. Drains were dug deeply, hence she came across this sight.

Question 3: What were most of the residents of Block C happy about that summer?

Answer: The residents of Block C were happy about that summer because there was no water shortage and power cut this year and everyone got enough water, since the city management had done wonderful job this summer.

Question 4: What was the problem faced by the Gulmohar tree?

Answer: Due to extreme heat of summer, the roots of Gulmohar tree were deprived of water.

Question 5: How did the Gulmohar tree solve its problem?

Answer: Gulmohar tree sent its probing army, its roots, to venture forth and unearth a water source and bring back essential supplies. The roots hit the hard cement of which the pipe was made. They wound the round pipe in search of an opening then round again and again. The root developed fine hair-like sub roots, finer than the finest of hair, it was so fine that it was able to penetrate into the minute pores of the cement pipe at last they sipped the liquid and sent it back to their parents. In this way, Gulmohar tree solved the problem.

Question 6: Who were called to solve the water problem faced by the residents of C-2 to C-12? How did they help?

Answer: The water supply folks were called to solve the problem faced by the residents of C2 to C12. They helped by digging the drains and they stretch to investigate and managed to unearth the very roots of the problem.

Question 7: How did the residents treat the tree in the end?

Answer: The residents started to look after and watered the golden Gulmohar tree everyday as a part of their routine.

Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers

Question 8: This Gulmohar tree teaches us a lesson. What is it?

Answer: Gulmohar tree teaches us a lesson that how not to give up in any odd or bad situation and withstand to tackle the problem by finding the solution. The tree managed to survive because its roots grew sub roots that pushed through the pores of the cement pipes. Hard determination and will power would always help to achieve goal.

Question 9: Why do you think the residents felt a sense of regret after cutting off the tree’s roots?

Answer: The residents were awestruck of the determination with which the feat had been planned and achieved by brainless organisms. Since the mesh of the roots had been cut away from the pipe and water allowed flowing unhindered reaching the residents. That’s why the residents felt a sense of regret after cutting off the tree’s roots and it was all done very carefully.

Question 10: Would it be appropriate to call trees ‘brainless’? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: It won’t be appropriate to call trees ‘brainless’ because a brainless organism can never find a solution as the Gulmohar tree found it and sustained the life in odd circumstances. The tree managed to survive because its roots grew sub roots that pushed through the cement pipes. A brainless organism cannot do the same.

Question 11: Why do you think everyone was awestruck about how the tree had found water?

Answer: Gulmohar tree sent its probing army, its roots to venture forth and unearth a water source and bring back essential supplies. The roots hit the hard cement of which the pipe was made. They wound the round pipe in search of an opening then round again and again. The root developed fine hair-like sub roots, finer than the finest of hair, it was so fine that it was able to penetrate into the minute pores of the cement pipe. At last, they sipped the liquid and sent it back to their parents. That’s why everyone awestruck about how the tree had found water.

Question 12: Do you think it was appropriate to cut away the fine mesh of roots that was supplying water to a thirsty tree? Could there be an alternative to this? Discuss.

Answer: I do think that it was appropriate to cut away the fine mesh of roots that was supplying water to a thirsty tree because if everybody would take the responsibility to water the tree every day, then that kind of situation would not arrived. There could be an alternative like planting another pipeline and diverting the direction, but at the same time it could be time consuming and might lead to harassments.

So, these were Tremendous Tree Questions & Answers.

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