Turning The Tide Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Turning The Tide Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Lawley Road and A Little Princess so, you can check these posts as well.

Turning The Tide Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why do Olive Ridley come to the beaches in thousands?

Answer: The Olive Ridley come to the beach in thousands to lay their eggs.

Question 2: How has human activity threatened the sea turtles?

Answer: The following human activities have threatened the sea turtles:

(a) Increasing pollution of the oceans.
(b) Electric light on beaches confuse hatchlings and prevents them from finding the ocean after they hatch.
(c) Fishing nets have killed hundreds of thousands of turtles worIdwide; sea Turtles are air breathers and when they get accidentally caught in fishing nets, they drown.

Question 3: What has been the effect of using the trawl fishing nets in Orissa in the last 10 years?

Answer: More than one lakh Olive Ridley have been killed in trawl fishing nets in the last 10 years

Question 4: Describe the speaker’s experience of watching The Olive Ridley turtle for the very first time.

Answer: The speaker watched an Olive Ridley turtle for the first time on one moonlit night in Chennai. The female Turtle came ashore, crawled up to a dry part of the beach, dug a two-feet deep nest with their hind flippers and laid 100 to 150 eggs.

Question 5: How does Offshore Oil exploration pose a threat to Marine life?

Answer: Offshore Oil exploration poses a threat leading to problems of pollution, lighting and habitat loss due to changes in beach dynamics.

Question 6: Write one fact about Olive Ridley that you have found most interesting.

Answer: The most interesting fact about Olive Ridley turtles is that they come ashore, in tens of thousands at the same time to lay their eggs.

So, these were Turning The Tide Questions & Answers.

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