Twelfth Night – 1 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Twelfth Night – 1 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Weather Forecast, Godan and The Prince Who Loved Books so, you can check these posts as well.

Twelfth Night – 1 Questions & Answers

Question 1: What happened when the storm subsided?

Answer: When the storm subsided, the captain of the ship led Viola into a small boat. Along with a few sailors, they rowed till they reached land.

Question 2: Why could Viola not rejoice at being saved?

Answer: Viola could not rejoice at being saved because she was worried about her brother, Sebastian. She wondered if he had been saved.

Question 3: What kind of clothes did Viola ask the captain to get for her?

Answer: Viola asked for some men’s clothes. She requested the captain for clothes that were made in the same style as Sebastian’s clothes.

Question 4: How did Cesario please Duke Orsino?

Answer: Cesario pleased Duke Orsino with his fine speech and good manners.

Question 5: What message did Lady Olivia send through her maid to the duke’s messenger?

Answer: The message that Lady Olivia sent through her maid to the duke’s messenger was that no man could look upon her face for seven years. She would remain veiled in sad remembrance of her dead brother.

Question 6: Why did Viola go off on her mission unwillingly?

Answer: Viola went off on her mission unwillingly because she had to convince Lady Olivia to become the wife of Duke Orsino, the man she herself secretly wished to marry.

Question 7: Why did Lady Olivia draw aside her veil for Cesario?

Answer: Lady Olivia decided to show her face because she realized that she had developed strong feelings for Cesario, the page.

Question 8: Why did Lady Olivia send a ring to Cesario?

Answer: Lady Olivia had sent the ring to tactfully confess her feelings of love for Cesario.

Twelfth Night – 1 Questions & Answers

Question 9: Choose the correct option:

1. Viola and her brother ________________were identical twins.

(a) Oliver
(b) Sebastian
(c) Cesario

2. ________________ was the duke of Illyria.

(a) Cesario
(b) Antonio
(c) Orsino

3. “But the clouds of despair settle over him too.” Who said these words and to whom?

(a) Lady Olivia said these words to Cesario.
(b) Duke Orsino said these words to the captain of the ship.
(c) The captain of the ship said these words to Viola.

4. Lady Olivia was mourning her _________ death.

(a) mother’s
(b) brother’s
(c) uncle’s

5. “… but I am not that which I play.” Here ‘I’ refers to

(a) Cesario
(b) Lady Olivia.
(c) Orsino.

6. Lady Olivia agreed to show her face to Cesario because________

(a) she wanted to impress Cesario with her beauty.
(b) she no longer mourned her dead brother.
(c) she had fallen in love with Cesario.

Question 10: What did the captain tell Viola about Sebastian?

Answer: The captain told Viola that since Sebastian was a strong swimmer, he would surely find his way to land soon.

Question 11: Who was Duke Orsino? Why was he unhappy?

Answer: Duke Orsino, the noblest of Dukes governed the land of Illyria. He was unhappy because he was in love with Lady Olivia, who was grief-stricken and refused the company of men.

Question 12: Why was Lady Olivia grief-stricken?

Answer: Lady Olivia’s father, a count, had died just a year ago, leaving her in the care of her brother. The brother too died shortly, leaving her all alone. So, she was grief-stricken.

Question 13: What did Duke Orsino ask Cesario to do?

Answer: The Duke Orsino ask Cesario to go to Lady Olivia’s house and remain there until she granted him an audience. Cesario was then to express the duke’s deep love for Lady Olivia.

Question 14: Why did Lady Olivia return the ring from Duke Orsino?

Answer: Lady Olivia sent a message that she could not accept the ring from Duke Orsino because she did not love him. Hence, she was returning it. Viola of course knew that Duke Orsino had never given Lady Olivia such a ring.

Question 15: What did Viola mean by the expression ‘she might as well love a dream’? Why did she think so?

Answer: Lady Olivia had fallen in love with Cesario without realizing that it was Viola in disguise. When Viola got the ring from Lady Olivia, she understood that the lady had fallen in love with her, assuming her to be a man. She remembered the ways in which Lady Olivia had looked at her and how she had unveiled herself even though she had taken an oath to let no man see her face for seven years. Viola felt that Lady Olivia’s love was a hopeless one, since she was a woman and also because she herself was in love with Orsino. Hence, she felt that Lady Olivia had fallen in love with someone she could never have and who was not real.

So, these were Twelfth Night – 1 Questions & Answers.

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