Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Twelfth Night – 1, The Weather Forecast and Godan so, you can check these posts as well.

Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers

Question 1: But the duke would not take no for an answer. What did Duke Orsino want Cesario to do?

Answer: Duke Orsino asked Cesario to try again the next day believing that Lady Olivia would show the duke some pity in time.

Question 2: What did the Duke say when he noticed Viola’s sadness?

Answer: When the duke noticed Viola’s sadness, he said though Cesario was so young, he seemed to know love. Then, Duke asked Cesario about the person he loved. He asked him what kind of woman and of what age she was.

Question 3: What happened when Viola visited Lady Olivia the next day?

Answer: On the following day, when Viola visited Lady Olivia, the servants did not make her wait at all. When Viola once again explained that she was there on behalf of the duke, Lady Olivia said that she did not wish to hear of the duke’s feelings; instead, she would be happy to hear about Viola’s own feelings towards her.

Question 4: Why did Antonio mistake Viola for Sebastian?

Answer: On seeing Viola dressed like a man who looked exactly like her twin brother, he made the mistake of assuming that she was Sebastian. Antonio did not know that Sebastian had a twin.

Question 5: Why had Antonio come to Illyria?

Answer: When Sebastian wanted to visit Duke Orsino’s court, Antonio agreed faithfully. He came to Illyria even though he knew that if he was discovered, he would be imprisoned.

Question 6: What did Sebastian think of Lady Olivia when they first met?

Answer: Sebastian, though confused, was delighted by Lady Olivia’s charms and beauty. He fell in love with her immediately.

Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers

Question 7: Why did Duke Orsino set out to visit Lady Olivia?

Answer: Duke Orsino decided to persuade Lady Olivia in person and therefore set out to visit her.

Question 8: Whom did Antonio rescue from the perils of the sea?

Answer: Antonio rescued Sebastian from the perils of the sea.

Question 9: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “Now please give me the purse I had handed to you. I shall need it.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Antonio said these words to Viola, assuming she was Sebastian.

(b) Did the listener have the purse?

Answer: Viola did not have the purse because Antonio had given the purse to Sebastian.

(c) What was the listener’s reply?

Answer: Viola’s reply to Antonio was that she had never seen him in her life, and she did not know anything about the purse he was talking about.

2. “I’m so sorry you were rudely attacked… Come to my house and rest a while.”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Lady Olivia said these words to Sebastian, assuming that he was Cesario.

(b) Who had attacked the listener and why?

Answer: A tall, strong gentleman who had once courted Lady Olivia, attacked Sebastian, assuming he was Cesario. The gentleman too had once courted Lady Olivia and had come to wage a duel hoping to win her over.

(c) How did the listener feel about the speaker’s kindness? Why?

Answer: Sebastian was at first confused, but was very happy to receive the attention of such a beautiful lady. He fell in love with her immediately.

3. “For three months this ungrateful man has been with me!”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Antonio said these words to Duke Orsino.

(b) Whom did the speaker call ungrateful and why?

Answer: Antonio called Viola whom he thought was Sebastian, ungrateful. Antonio had been helping Sebastian and taking care of him during these three months.

(c) What was the listener’s reply?

Answer: Duke Orsino told Antonio that what he had said was impossible because Viola had been in his service as a page for the past three months.

Question 10: What did Duke Orsino sing about? What effect did the song have on Viola?

Answer: The Duke sang an old, simple song about a lover’s feelings. Viola was very moved as she thought about her own strange situation, and her love for the duke which she could not express.

Question 11: How did Viola hint at her feelings for Orsino?

Answer: When Orsino asked Viola what kind of woman and of what age the woman he loved would be, Viola told him that the person was of his age and complexion. Thus, Viola hinted at the feelings she had for the duke.

Question 12: Whom had the guards come to arrest? Whose orders were they following?

Answer: The guards came to arrest Antonio, the man who had been helping Sebastian. They were following the orders of the Duke Orsino.

Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers

Question 13: How did Viola learn that her brother Sebastian was alive?

Answer: When Antonio angrily addressed Viola as Sebastian, she understood that her brother had somehow been rescued and was alive.

Question 14: Who was Antonio? How did Antonio and Sebastian become friends?

Answer: Antonio was the sea-captain who had rescued Sebastian. He had then struck up a deep friendship with Sebastian. The two went everywhere together. Antonio came to Illyria with Sebastian even though he knew it would be dangerous for him to do so.

Question 15: Why did Antonio come looking for Sebastian?

Answer: When Sebastian wanted to visit Duke Orsino’s court, Antonio agreed. However, he stayed on the shore and gave Sebastian his purse so that Sebastian might enjoy making purchases at the marketplace. When Sebastian failed to return, Antonio went in search of him.

Question 16: Why was Duke Orsino angry with his page Cesario?

Answer: When Lady Olivia walked out of her house and saw Cesario, she assumed that it was Sebastian, her husband. She said that they should announce their union to everyone. The duke was enraged because he believed that his trusted page had gone behind his back and wooed the lady for himself. He told Cesario that he would be punished for his act.

Question 17: The storm plays both a negative and a positive role in the lives of Viola and her brother Sebastian. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: The storm results in a shipwreck, leading to the separation of the twins, Viola and Sebastian. In Illyria, Viola is forced to play the role of a man so that she can serve as a page to the Duke Orsino. In her many visits to Lady Olivia on behalf of the duke, she is caught in a unique situation. She is forced to voice love on behalf of a man whom she herself loves; at the same time, she finds that a woman has fallen in love with her and she cannot openly say that such a love would not be possible. She continues to be anxious about her lost brother, Sebastian.

However, the storm also enables the twins to find their true love. Lady Olivia mistakes Sebastian for Viola and Sebastian also falls in love with her. Being rejected by Lady Olivia, the duke turns his thoughts towards the page who is actually a woman and has said that she loves him. So, the storm that separates the twins also leads them to love and fortune. Viola becomes the wife of Duke Orsino and Sebastian becomes the husband of Lady Olivia.

So, these were Twelfth Night – 2 Questions & Answers.

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