Value of Money Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Value of Money Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Don’t Quit and The Earth Needs You so, you can check these posts as well.

Value of Money Questions & Answers

Question 1: What made the narrator unhappy?

Answer: The limitations of her own computer made the narrator unhappy.

Question 2: What was the narrator obsessed with?

Answer: She was obsessed with the latest Bell Computer. It had better features than her computer.

Question 3: What were the two features of Bell Computer that were being advertised on TV?

Answer: The two features of Bell Computer being advertised on TV were – It had the fastest processor and unbelievably high storage.

Question 4: What offer did the parents give to the narrator?

Answer: The parents told the narrator that if she would start doing house chores they would give her money for it and she could save up until she had enough to buy the computer on her own.

Question 5: Which two things did the narrator do to complete the chores?

Answer: To complete the chores, the narrator would wake up early and work tirelessly everyday.

Question 6: What happened when the narrator went to the store to order the computer she wanted?

Answer: When the narrator went to the store to order the computer she wanted, the store offered her the upcoming better computer which was even faster and was having double the storage. However, she found that it was more expensive than the one she wanted to buy.

Question 7: Why did she decide against buying the computer she was obsessed with?

Answer: She decided against buying the computer she was obsessed with because she realised that technology changes rapidly. Moreover, she did not want to spend her hard earned money on something that would go down in value within no time.

Question 8: Why did the Bell employee advise the narrator to wait for a few more days?

Answer: The Bell employee advised the narrator to wait because a new and better computer was coming up in the market which was even faster and was having double the storage than the previous one.

Question 9: Identify the speaker and the listener.

1. “Oh, you don’t need to buy that one. We have another one coming out soon. It is even faster and has double the storage.”

Answer: Speaker – the Bell employee, Listener – the narrator.

2. “Please dad! Is there anything else you need help with?”

Answer: Speaker – the narrator, Listener – the narrator’s dad.

3. “Give me more chores!”

Answer: Speaker – the narrator, Listener – the narrator’s dad.

Question 10: Read the lines and answer the questions:

“Oh ‘you don’t need to buy that one. We have another one coming out soon. It is even faster and has double the storage.”

Do you think…

(a) it was wise of the narrator to put her money in a savings account? Why/Why not?

Answer: Yes, it was wise of her to put her money in a savings account because she was already having computer and we should not spend money on the things that we don’t require.

(b) it would have been wiser of the narrator to work for two more months and buy the newer model of the computer? Why/Why not?

Answer: No, it would, not have been wiser because the technology changes rapidly.

(c) it is advisable for fourteen year old to overwork herself/himself as the narrator did? Why/ Why not?

Answer: No, it is not advisable for fourteen year old to overwork herself/himself as the narrator did as this may affect the health. However, the narrator’s parents wanted to teach her the value of money so, they thought of this way.

So, these were the Value of Money Questions & Answers.

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