Vidamundan and Kodamundan Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Vidamundan and Kodamundan Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg and The King’s Breakfast so, you can check these posts as well.

Vidamundan and Kodamundan Questions & Answers

Question 1: How did Vidamundan outwit Kodamundan?

Answer: Vidamundan outwits Kodamundan with his polite way of talking and his skill to suggest quick solutions to the problems. Vidamundan is quick enough to see through the cunning ploys of Kodamundan to turn him away. Later, Kodamundan is taken by surprise when Vidamundan emerges from the storeroom at the right moment with the witty comment, “I have come back to eat my meal without going away.” Thus, Vidamundan, finally outwits Kodamundan and manages to eat a hearty and wholesome meal.

Question 2: Give five adjectives (for each) to describe Kodamundan and Vidamundan.

Answer: Five adjectives for:

Kodamundan – crafty, cunning, tricky, a liar and greedy.
Vidamundan – witty, clever, intelligent, hard-working and efficient.

Question 3: Choose the correct option:

1. What did Vidamundan decide to do when he heard about Kodamundan?

(a) invited him for a meal
(b) met him
(c) decided to get a meal out of him

2. What was Kodmundan’s plan to drive away Vidamundan?

(a) to lock the door and go away.
(b) to pretend that the husband and wife were quarrelling.
(c) to tell him that he was unwell.

3. What had made Kodamundan hungry?

(a) the long wait
(b) the beating and shouting
(c) the delicious food

Question 4: Here are some facts about Kodamundan and Vidamundan based on the first seven paragraphs. Say whether they are true or false.

(a) Kodamundan was a clever Brahmin – True
(b) Kodamundan gave a lot of food to the poor – False
(c) Vidamundan was a very stupid man – False
(d) Kodamundan and Vidamundan were good friends – False
(e) Kodamundan was a liar – True
(f) Vidamundan visited Kodamundan one morning – True
(g) Kodamundan sold most of the ingredients he got from people in the market – True

Question 5: Give two instances from the story that tell you that Kodamundan was a clever man.

Answer: The following instances tell us that Kodamundan was a clever man:

  • “But I have already invited ten guests for lunch. There is nothing to spare today. If you come tomorrow, it will be my pleasure to give you a meal.”
  • “I am really very sorry to disappoint you again. Unfortunately, last evening my wife fell ill with high fever. She has still not recovered. As there is no one to do the cooking, I have postponed today’s annadaan (mass feeding to the poor) till she feels better. It might take a few days. I will let you know when it happens.”

Question 6: ‘Vidamundan waited for the right moment to announce his presence.’

(a) When did he get this moment?

Answer: Vidamundan got the right moment to announce his presence when Kodamundan and his wife were talking about their acts of pretence. The wife had just spread mats, placed banana leaves and glasses, served the dishes and they were about to eat the meal.

(b) What did he do then?

Answer: Vidamundan joined them for a hearty meal.

Question 7: Why does Vidamundan say, “However, to give up the charitable act of annadan on such a flimsy ground is not appropriate. …. Let me offer you my full assistance in the kitchen …”?

Answer: Vidamundan speaks these words with the aim of getting a meal out of greedy Kodamundan by hook or by crook.

Question 8: Why was Kodamundan in a fix?

Answer: Kodamundan was in a fix because he couldn’t find any other excuse or cook up any story to turn away Vidamundan when he spoke prudently about acts of charity and offered a quick and practical solution to the problem of Kodamundan. Since Vidamundan was told that the host’s wife was ill, he offered to cook food. Kodamundan could not deny and earlier he had never offered meal to anyone. After cooking was over he decided to send the visitor away without feeding him, by making an excuse.

Question 9: Read the line and answer the questions:

“If I wish to practise charity, why do you feel so bad?…..”

(a) Who said these words and to whom?

Answer: Kodamundan said these words to his wife.

(b) Why did the speaker say this?

Answer: The speaker said this to let Vidamundan think that they were quarrelling about feeding people.

(c) Do you think the listener felt bad?

Answer: Yes, I think that the listener felt bad.

(d) What happens next?

Answer: Next, Vidamundan hid in a room adjoining the kitchen, where firewood and cowdung were stored.

Question 10: Do you think Kodamundan learnt a lesson? What do you think he learnt?

Answer: Yes, Kodamundan must have learnt a lesson. I think he learnt that always telling lies and cheating people is not good. The manner, in which his lies and clever ploys exposed that day, must have forced him to mend his ways and shun his greed.

So, these were Vidamundan and Kodamundan Questions & Answers.

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