Whales Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Whales Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of And Suddenly it’s Summer, Dragon in the Tunnel and The Amazing History of Paper so, you can check these posts as well.

Whales Questions & Answers

Question 1: Why is the whale known as an aquatic animal?

Answer: The whale is known as an aquatic animal because even though it is a mammal and doesn’t have gills, it lives under water.

Question 2: What is the baby whale called? Is there any other animal whose young ones are called the same?

Answer: A baby whale is called a calf. The young ones of cows, elephants, rhinoceroses, large deer and antelopes are also called calves.

Question 3: Fill in the blanks:

(a) Whales are the largest animal.
(b) Whales do not eat during migration.
(c) The sounds whale make are called breaching.
(d) The sounds whales make are whale songs.

Question 4: What is a whale’s spout? Describe it.

Answer: Since whales do not have gills, they need to come up to the surface of the water to breathe. They do this with the help of their blowhole, which is situated on their back. Before they breathe in air, they empty their lungs at a great force through their blowhole. This air that is blown out is caned the whale’s blow or spout.

Question 5: Which whale is the most popular in aquariums? What does it look like?

Answer: The killer whale or orca is most popular in aquariums. They have a spindle-like shape and large, sharp teeth. They also have beautiful crisp and white markings on their body.

Question 6: Why whale need to come up to the surface of the water?

Answer: Whales do not have gills and so they cannot breathe in water. Therefore, they come up to the surface when they need to breathe through their lungs.

Question 7: What do whales and human beings have in common?

Answer: Both whales and human beings are mammals.

Question 8: Write two steps we can take to save whales.

Answer: To save whales, we must stop disposing hazardous wastes into rivers and oceans. We should also spread awareness about whales and how they are in danger of going extinct.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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