Without Glasses Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Without Glasses Questions & Answers.

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Without Glasses Questions & Answers

Question 1: Complete the description of the incident described in the essay by filling in the blanks.


The writer was staying with friends in the country. One day, when their servant was dusting the mantelpiece, he accidentally pushed the writer’s spectacles off the shelf, causing them to break. The writer felt very helpless and blind because he could not read for a while. When the mended spectacles came back from the optician, he was greatly pleased.

Question 2: Choose the correct option:

1. Using an eyeglass, the writer could:

(a) solve crossword puzzles.
(b) look up the telephone directory.
(c) read newspapers.
(d) read Hamlet.

2. Though he had been prescribed glasses twenty years earlier, he gave up wearing them because:

(a) his spectacles kept falling and breaking.
(b) the bridge of his nose was not suited for wearing them.
(c) the spectacles kept hurting his ears.
(d) the prescribed power in the lenses may not have been appropriate.
(e) all the above

Question 3: How did Potter and the hostess respond when the writer’s spectacles broke?

Answer: Potter, who had knocked the glasses off the mantelpiece by accident, felt miserable and apologetic. He brought the broken fragments to the author saying, ‘I have a confession to make’. The hostess offered to do her best to mend the glasses as well as she could.

Question 4: How does an oculist prescribe glasses for people?

Answer: Oculist’s have all kinds of devices to help them test the sight of a patient. The most common and frequently used method is to make the patient look through several different lenses at letters of the alphabet and gauge which one (or combination of lenses) helps them see the best.

Question 5: What do you learn about long-sightedness from this essay?

Answer: This essay informs us that long sightedness is a defect in vision that makes it hard for a person to see with clarity, objects that are close to them, while they have good vision of objects a certain distance away. People with long sightedness find it hard to read without glasses, although they can read words far away, such as sign boards.

Question 6: What is the ‘exquisite pleasure of life’ that the writer refers to?

Answer: The ‘exquisite pleasure of life’ the writer refers to is gaining the ability to see properly when wearing a pair of spectacles for the first time.

Question 7: How did he keep himself occupied when he didn’t have his spectacles?

Answer: During the days the author did not have his spectacles, he could only read the headlines in the newspaper. He passed the time listening to radio programmes and was happy to engage in the company of his more talkative friends.

Question 8: When the writer’s spectacles had been sent for repair, he had a miserable weekend. Why? Do you think he could have dealt with this situation differently?

Answer: The writer had a miserable weekend while his spectacles were being mended because he could not indulge in the activities he loved the most, which were reading and thinking. While the spectacles were absolutely necessary for reading, it was his habit of holding on open book while he thought, with the certainty that he could revert to reading that prevented him from thinking.

No, I don’t think there was much he could do to deal with this situation differently because he seems to have considered all the things he could do to pass his time.

Question 9: Sometimes we damage other people’s belongings accidentally like Potter did. What can we learn from Potter about dealing with such a situation? If you were the affected person, what should your response be?

Answer: Potter was sincerely affected by the circumstances. He apologized immediately after the mishap and his apology was sincere. The affected person should also try to forgive someone who is sincerely apologetic about such accidents.

So, these were Without Glasses Questions & Answers.

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