Women Who Made India Proud Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Women Who Made India Proud Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg, Rain In Summer and Harold Our Hornbill so, you can check these posts as well.

Women Who Made India Proud Questions & Answers

Question 1: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Begum Hazrat Mahal led the rebellion against the English East India Company in 1857 – True
2. Group A decides to use a picture of a stamp issued in honour of Kasturba Gandhi in their poster – False
3. In 1942, Mahasweta Devi was arrested for her participation in the Quit India Movement – False
4. Group C decides to use a quote of Mahasweta Devi in their poster – True
5. Pandavani means singing of stories from the Ramayana – False
6. Teejan Bai was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2021 – False

Question 2: What was the project that Miss Bharthi wanted the class to do? Why and for what occasion?

Answer: Miss Bharthi wanted the class to do a project on some extraordinary women from history. The project was to be done to respect and honour women. The occasion was International Women’s Day.

Question 3: How do we know that Begum Hazrat Mahal was a courageous woman?

Answer: We know that Begum Hazrat Mahal was a courageous woman because she led the revolt against English East India company ¡n 1857. She also stood up again the company when it exiled her husband Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. She personally encouraged her soldiers, wrote detailed instructions for the battle movements and went to the battlefield on elephant back to boost the morale of her soldiers.

Question 4: What campaigns for women did Kasturba Gandhi organize?

Answer: Kasturba Gandhi mobilised the women in various campaigns related to hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness.

Question 5: How was Mahasweta Devi ‘a voice for the voiceless’?

Answer: Mahasweta Devi was a voice for the voiceless because through her writings, she fought for the tribals, the landless labourers and migrants.

Question 6: How did Teejan Bai change the tradition of Pandavani?

Answer: Teejan Bai changed the tradition by becoming the first woman to sing Pandvani or stories about the Pandavas from the Mahabharata. She performed in a standing position which also no woman had ever done before.

Question 7: What do you find common between women mentioned in this lesson? Discuss.

Answer: The women in this lesson in different ways achieved certain goals which makes them stand out in Indian history. They all contributed to the betterment of the country. Begum Hazrat Mahal revolted against the Britishers. Kasturba Gandhi stood shoulder to shoulder with Mahatma Gandhiji in the freedom struggle. Mahasweta Devi through her writing fought for the rights and equality of the downtrodden, landless and migrants. Teejan Bai promoted art, culture and tradition by singing stories from the Mahabharata while in a standing position. All the women in the lesson have made India proud.

So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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