Young Kalam Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Young Kalam Questions & Answers.

In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Baby Land, Sindbad’s Voyage and Tom Paints The Fence so, you can check these posts as well.

Young Kalam Questions & Answers

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. Abdul Kalam was the __________ President of India.

(a) eighth
(b) eleventh
(c) tenth

2. Kalam designed India’s first rocket called _________.

(a) SLV-3
(b) SVL-3
(c) LVS-3

3. Kalam’s ancestral house is in _________.

(a) Dhanushkodi
(b) Rameswaram
(c) Chennai

4. Kalam’s boat ferried _________ between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi.

(a) scientists
(b) doctors
(c) pilgrims

5. _________ was Kalam’s cousin.

(a) Jainuabdeen
(b) Samsuddin
(c) Iqbal

Question 2: What inspired Kalam to design a rocket?

Answer: When Kalam was young, he observed a baby bird perched on a boat, trying to fly. It spread its wings slowly and flew up into the sky. He wished he too could fly like the birds. His love for flying inspired him to design a rocket.

Question 3: What do you know about Kalam’s ancestral house?

Answer: Kalam’s ancestral house is in Mosque Street in Rameswaram. It is a small, simple house that was built in the nineteenth Century. Kalam’s family used to discuss a wide range of subjects in the verandah in front of the house. The main room has some furniture. In a corner, there is a shelf filled with English and Tamil classics. People from all parts of the country visit his house now.

Question 4: How did Kalam’s family lose their source of livelihood?

Answer: Kalam’s family carried pilgrims on a boat across the sea between Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi. This was the main source of income and it helped their family lead a comfortable life. But a Violent cyclone struck Rameswararm and destroyed their boat. Thus, Kalam’s family lost their main source of livelihood.

Question 5: How did Kalam help his family?

Answer: kalam helped his family by selling tamarind seeds to a shop nearby. This earned him one anna. He also helped his cousin Samsuddin to sell a Tamil newspaper, printed in Chennai. The newspaper bundles were thrown onto the Rameswaram railway station platform from passing trains. Kalam picked them up and handed them over to his cousuin who gave him a small amount.

Question 6: Why was there a great demand for the newspaper that Kalam helped sell?

Answer: There was a great demand for the newspaper that Kalam helped sell because people were interested to know about the Indian freedom struggle and the latest developments in the Second World War.

Question 7: What did Kalam cherish the most?

Answer: Kalam cherished the fact that he was able to help his family in times of need. Even after many years, he proudly recalled how he earned his own money.

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. He keenly observed a fledgling perched on a boat, trying to fly.

(a) Why do you think the person keenly observed the fledgling?

Answer: Young Kalam observed the fledgling keenly because he was interested in flying.

(b) What did the fledgling do after this?

Answer: The fledgling slowly spread its wings, fluttered and rose towards the sky.

2. It was a small, simple home built in the nineteenth century.

(a) Whose house was it?

Answer: It was Kalam’s ancestral house.

(b) Where was it?

Answer: It was in Mosque Street in Rameswaram.

3. He was paid one anna for this.

(a) What was he paid for?

Answer: Kalam was paid for selling tamarind seeds.

(b) What else did the person do to earn more money?

Answer: Kalam also helped his cousin, Samsuddin to sell a popular Tamil newspaper, to earn more money.

Question 9: What do you understand about Dr A P J Abdul Kalam after reading this lesson? Are you inspired by him? If so, why?

Answer: Dr A P J Abdul Kalam worked very hard and was a humble and determined person. His great love for flying led him to develop India’s first Satellite Launch Vehicle. I am inspired by his hard work. Even after many years, he cherished the joy of being able to earn and help his family. This shows how humble he was. I am inspired by this as well.

So, these were Young Kalam Questions & Answers.

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