Young Poets Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Young Poets Questions & Answers.

The poem is written by Todd-Michael St Pierre. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of Ruby Bridges, If You Think and Mr Toad’s Adventure so, you can check these posts as well.

Young Poets Questions & Answers

Word Galaxy

  • Speak up – speak more loudly
  • Whisper – speak very softly
  • Speak out – to express frankly
  • Unsung – not praised
  • Possess – have/obtain

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

1. The poet says that young people are __________’s voice.

(a) future
(b) Nature
(c) peace
(d) hope

2. The poet refers to young people as __________ citizens of the Earth.

(a) past
(b) present
(c) future
(d) current

3. ‘Your pen is her tongue.’ ‘Her’ in this line is __________.

(a) nature
(b) forest
(c) Earth
(d) water

4. According to the poet, words possess __________.

(a) kindness
(b) hope
(c) love
(d) power

5. The theme of the poem is

(a) to draw the attention of the world to the environmental crisis through words.
(b) to familiarize the language among young poets.
(c) to praise nature and save them.
(d) to teach how to write poems on humanity.

6. In the line, ‘The world waits to hear your songs still unsung’, what does “songs still unsung” refer to?

(a) It refers to the plight of nature.
(b) It refers to the poems the young poets should write to conserve nature.
(c) It refers to the young poets.

Question 2: Write True or False for the following sentences:

1. Make peace and be proud, choose well every choice – True
2. Speak with respect now, for rivers and gardens – False
3. Write with a whisper or write with a shout – True
4. The world waits to hear your songs still unsung – True
5. Word possess no power, you can write the rights – False

Question 3: How does the poet refer to young people in the poem?

Answer: The poet refers to young people as young poet and as citizens of the Earth.

Question 4: What does the poet mean when he says that young people are nature’s voice?

Answer: By this, the poet means that the young people can speak, create awareness about the need and protection of nature.

Question 5: Name any three things from the poem that the poet asks young people to speak up for.

Answer: The three things from the poem that the poet asks young people to speak up for are lakes, jungles and wildlife.

Question 6: What does the poet want young people to write about and why?

Answer: The poet wants young people to write poems and songs to create awareness about protecting nature.

Question 7: Why does the poet call young people as ‘Defenders of Earth’?

Answer: The poet calls young people as ‘Defenders of Earth’ because they are the future citizens of this earth and can protect and preserve nature and its components. They can save the earth from environmental destruction.

Young Poets Questions & Answers

Question 8: Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. ‘Truth to the future citizens of Earth,
Speak of your freedom, your friends and self-worth.’

(a) Who are the future citizens mentioned by the poet?

Answer: The young people are the future citizens mentioned by the poet.

(b) What truth is the poet asking the readers to speak of?

Answer: The poet is asking the readers to come forward and speak the truth about the need for environmental conservation.

(c) What are the Ideals or values that the poet is asking the readers to speak about?

Answer: The poet is asking the readers to speak about freedom, friends and self-worth.

2. ‘Speak for tomorrow and though
you’re still young
Speak for the Forest, your pen is
her tongue.’

(a) What does ‘tomorrow’ refer to?

Answer: ‘Tomorrow’ refers to future.

(b) Why is the poet asking the readers to speak for the forest?

Answer: The poet is asking the readers to speak for the forest because the forests are being cut down day by day. Hence, he wanted young people to come forward and protect and save the forests.

(c) ‘Your pen is her tongue’.—what does this mean?

Answer: Earth along with its flora and fauna, rivers, streams, seas suffer silently at the hands of humanity. He urges the young poets to be their representatives, to let their poetic lyrics be their spokesperson that would communicate the plight of Earth and increase awareness amongst mankind to conserve and protect the Earth and its bounties.

3. “Defenders of Earth choose carefully your words!”

(a) Who are the Defenders of Earth?

Answer: The poet refers to the young poets as the defenders of the earth.

(b) In what way will they defend the earth?

Answer: Equipped with their pen and the power it yields amongst the readers, the young poets will spread the message to save and conserve Earth from further destruction for the betterment of mankind.

4. You are Nature’s voice.

(a) Identify the figure of speech used by the poet here.

Answer: Personification is used by the poet here.

(b) What does he mean by this statement?

Answer: The poet attributes the voice of the young poets to represent the voice of nature.

Question 9: Why do Defenders of Earth have to choose their words carefully?

Answer: Words have the power to not only create or disrupt a thought but also to encourage or discourage an action. And so words must be chosen wisely with extreme thoughtfulness, to perform an action or thought in favour of nature.

Question 10: According to the poet, who will be influenced by the writings of the young poets of the present time?

Answer: The whole world will be influenced by the writings of the young poets in the present times. He visions the young poets to speak now for “nature, for trees and for birds” so that humankind can be taught and led into a promising, harmonious tomorrow.

Question 11: To whom is the poet speaking through his poem? What, according to the poet, is the main responsibility of this group?

Answer: The poet is speaking to the young poets, imploring them to be the mouthpiece of nature and speak up against human beings’ careless attitude towards flora and fauna. For the poet, it is the responsibility of the young poets to be “defenders of Earth”, give hope to the elements of nature and encourage humankind to preserve it for the benefit of tomorrow.

So, these were Young Poets Questions & Answers.

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