Hi Everyone!! This article will share On The Grasshopper and Cricket Stanza Wise Summary.
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On The Grasshopper and Cricket Stanza Wise Summary
Stanza 1

The Stanza opens with the line, ‘The poetry of earth is never dead’, which becomes the central image or the metaphor that would be invoked in the entire poem. During the extreme warm weather of the summer, when the birds stop singing because of the hot and harsh sun and hide under the shade of the cooling trees, what gives us comfort and pleasure is the poetry or music of nature. The poetry of nature is represented by the songs of the grasshopper. The nature is filled with elements that moderate the temperature to make the conditions liveable for the living creatures. Therefore, even during extreme heat, there are to be found in nature elements like the ‘cooling tree’ and ‘pleasant weed’. The grasshopper sings tirelessly and provides ease to all those who had become restless under the workings of the ‘hot sun’.
Stanza 2

In contrast to the extremely warm climate of stanza 1, stanza 2 opens with an extremely cold climate indicative of winters. The elements of winter, such as frost are at their best, casting a blanket of utterly miserable silence on all the surroundings. Even in such a climate, it becomes the domain of the cricket to spread ever-increasing warmth through its song. The ‘warmth’ of the cricket’s song balances out the extreme cold during the winter months. To many, the cricket’s song has the same soothing effect that the grasshopper’s song did during the summers. They are recovered from their drowsy sleep to listen to the endless music of nature, “The poetry of the earth is ceasing never.”
Soul of the Poem On The Grasshopper and Cricket Poem
Written by John Keats, this is a fourteen-line poem or a sonnet in which the poet expresses his view that nature is always inspiring the poet to compose poetry through its various aspects. For Keats, seasons may change, but nature would never cease to inspire the poets and sing its songs. During the extreme heat of the hot summer, when the birds stop singing, the earth continues to sing. The birds hide under the shade of the trees and fall silent. A voice runs from hedge to hedge taking the lead in the extreme weather and sings delightfully. That is the voice of the grasshopper. He sings endlessly, but when tired it rests under some pleasant weed. During extreme winter, too, the birds stop singing. There is a death-like silence in which nature seems to have got enveloped. Frost spreads its blanket over all elements of nature. Despite that, a shrill sound comes from under the stones, it’s the cricket who is singing. Cricket’s song restores the warmth that had got lost. People hear the song and to many, it seems as if the grasshopper was singing from the grassy hills.
So, this was On The Grasshopper and Cricket Stanza Wise Summary.